Relax, Rejuvenate, Rebalance

Frequency Healing Chamber

The Frequency Healing Chamber addresses both the Physical and Spiritual sides of life for total balance of Life Force Energies in

Two Phases.

What kind of experience can I expect from the Frequency Healing Chamber?

The Frequency Healing Chamber was designed upon the research of the functions of the human body and how different frequencies interact to change the internal and external environments that surround us every day. Tom has combined several healing modalities and has created the Frequency Healing Chamber based upon Spiritually guided information and visions. There are several aspects of the chamber that are exclusive to the chamber that can’t be found anywhere else.

The Frequency Healing Chamber is a unique type of therapy, so the experience often varies from person to person. It activates different parts of the brain and often gives you a different perspective.

Phase One addresses the Physical

Phase Two addresses the Spiritual

Report Experiences

  • Improvement in health conditions
  • Feeling more energy and vitality
  • Feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and peaceful
  • Eliminated stress & anxiety
  • Eliminated migraines
  • Eliminated panic attacks
  • Eliminated depression
  • Eliminated tension in the body
  • A deeper spiritual understandings
  • Release of unconsciousness behaviors
  • Feelings of physical healing taking place
  • Gain of insight to your future path
  • Decreased pain

Rev. Tom Lewan, Ph. D

Rev. Tom Lewan, Ph. D. is a spiritual intuitive counselor and researcher in subtle energy and biofield sciences. With his wide use of various subtle energy devices and spiritual guidance, Rev. Tom uses the Physical and Spiritual information to help guide his clients to heal naturally, the way nature intended. Through Toms extensive research and Spiritual guidance the Frequency Healing Chamber came to fruition.

The Frequency Healing Chamber is a unique environment and therapy so the experience varies from person to person because we are all individuals. Since the mind is the greatest healer, the Frequency Healing Chamber can augment a person’s natural healing abilities.

Rev. Tom Lewan, Ph. D. mentored by James Van Praagh, Denise Linn, Gordon Smith, Abby Wynne, Davidji, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dave Nelson, and Tania Rae

Phase 1

PLEASE BE ADVISED that you will not be able to use the Frequency Healing Chamber if you have any of the following.

You have a Pacemaker

Are Pregnant or think that you may be pregnant

Individuals that are diabetic will need to start with shorter session times.

Please note that if you are Diabetic, we will need to start with smaller MWO session times. (The MWO may increase blood sugar counts) Please monitor your blood sugar levels after a session.

Multiwave Oscillator (MWO)

The MWO is designed to produce an incredible range of frequencies in order to recharge the cells in the human body. There are over three trillion cells in the body and each set of cells will accept the corresponding frequencies that will aid in the revitalization of those particular cells. Recharging of the cells results in a recharged immune system.

Chakra Clearing and Alignmen

All of the sound and vibroacoustics are specifically designed to tune into the major energy centers most commonly referred to as the chakras. Each of the chakras is targeted specifically at predetermined times to restore and align the chakra centers.

Frequency Water

Frequency enhanced water is a technology that works with the energy of the body. Quantum physics teaches us that every atom in the body is full of energetic waves (frequencies) that are the foundation of our cells. When the body is “off” or in a state of distress the infused water provides frequencies to the cells to recalibrate and balance disruptions caused by environmental toxins.

The frequencies of the water will be determined upon the information obtained through the client intake form therefore, the frequency water is specifically designed for the individual client.

Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy

(VAT) is a treatment that uses sound and vibrations to reduce stress and anxiety, help with insomnia, provide natural pain relief, and mitigate the conventional cancer treatment, restore balance and enhance the quality of life

Light Therapy

Light Therapy can be effective in treating: insomnia, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), dementia, and studies have shown that it can improve the motor functions in patients with Parkinsons’ Disease.

Crystal Therapy

Crystal healing is an alternative medicine technique that employs crystals as conduits for natural healing energy.

UVB Narrow Band Light

The client will be subjected to approximately 2 minutes and 20 seconds of UVB light in 20-second intervals during a 30-minute session. The UVB light is the same frequency of the sun and will allow the nucleus of the cells to open up to enhance the charging aspect of the (MWO) and will also allow the client to absorb the vital nutrient vitamin (k).

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy deconstructs music into pure sound, harnessing the knowledge that sound can have a powerful effect 0n our emotions. The human body is made up of different energy frequencies. We use sound frequencies to interact with these, thus attempting to rebalance the body’s energy. Some of the benefits include. Lower stress, decreased mood swings, lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, helps with pain management, lowers risk for coronary artery disease and stroke, and improves sleep.

Aroma Therapy

We use only the purest essential oils in providing you with a calm and balanced feeling.

Color Therapy

Color Therapy, also known as chromotherapy benefits include: reduced swelling and decreases inflammation muscle tension, pain relief, accelerated healing, increased range of motion, decreased muscle tension, improved circulation, regulated mood, improved sleeping patterns.

Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry helps with the feeling and vibration of peace, love, compassion, stillness, and balance – most commonly known as “connection”.  Sacred geometry has the ability to tap into this awareness to shift how we feel.  It allows us to be grounded and in a deeper connection to our own love and our own place in the universe.

Tensor Rings

A Tensor Ring is an infinite source of energy, which is neither electrical nor magnetic.  The energy that is produced by the Tensor Ring is healing for all life forms on Earth.

It is a superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields.  It brings tranquility and stability to chaos and very easily stabilizes the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body.

Tensor Ring technology is based on the cubit measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Orgone Energy

How Does Orgone Energy Work

Orgone is a natural energy source that can help you balance your body and spirit. Orgone can be created naturally by sunbathing or artificially through orgone accumulators or orgone pyramids to balance disruptive energy from electronics or other electromagnetic fields.

Orgone Energy counteracts negativity and reducing electromagnetic fields, positive, orgone energy may help with motivation, focus, energy flow, sleep, and overall well-being (EMF).

Orgone can be found anywhere. It has healing properties for various illnesses, including cancer, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, etc.

Who Discovered Orgone Energy?

A psychologist named Wilhelm Reich, considered one of the most famous psychoanalysts, discovered orgone energy in the late 1930s. He was fascinated by Freud’s theories on neurosis when he first started his job.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich used individual and group activities to free this repressed energy. According to Wilhelm Reich’s research, libidinal energy is not exclusively focused on sexuality. He referred to it as life’s “primordial energy” because of its origins.

Advantages of Orgone Energy
Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone energy theory has gotten a lot of attention recently. Epoxy, quartz crystal, and metal shavings are the three main components of orgone energy devices known as Orgonites. DOR (Deadly Orgone Energy) could be converted to POR using this special combination (Positive Orgone Energy).

Combatting EMF radiation
To begin with, it can counteract the harmful effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation. We know that electromagnetic fields (EMF) from satellites, electrical grids, and other sources can harm our health.

You may shield your family from radiation’s harmful effects by using orgone energy. The orgone Energy has numerous spiritual and physical advantages.

May promote better sleep
In the first place, electromagnetic field radiation (EMF) radiation can be countered by this product.

Satellites, electrical grids, and other sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF) have been shown to affect human health negatively.

Using orgone energy, you can protect your family from radiation. There are various spiritual and physical benefits of using the orgone energy.

May enhance the mood
Many people who have used orgone devices say they have improved their mood after using them.

Due to orgone energy, our bodies are constantly receiving beneficial energy. A person’s mood is lifted, and their outlook on life is brightened due to this.

Keeps food fresh for longer
A large number of people have weighed in on this. Regularly, it is seen that food left on an orgone charging plate is consumed over a longer time than predicted.

As a result, orgone energy aids in the growth and preservation of food naturally.

Better relationship
Improved connections are another benefit associated with orgonite. When orgonite is used in households and businesses, it has been shown that the relationships between family members and coworkers have significantly improved.

Phase 2

Personal Guided Spiritual Healing

Tom will connect directly with spirit to run divine spiritual healing energy throughout your entire energy field, aligning and clearing the chakra energy centers and restoring your life-force energy in order for the body to self-heal as nature intended.

Chakra Clearing and Alignmen

All of the sound and vibroacoustics are specifically designed to tune into the major energy centers most commonly referred to as the chakras. Each of the chakras is targeted specifically at predetermined times to restore and align the chakra centers.

Frequency Water

Frequency enhanced water is a technology that works with the energy of the body. Quantum physics teaches us that every atom in the body is full of energetic waves (frequencies) that are the foundation of our cells. When the body is “off” or in a state of distress the infused water provides frequencies to the cells to recalibrate and balance disruptions caused by environmental toxins.

The frequencies of the water will be determined upon the information obtained through the client intake form therefore, the frequency water is specifically designed for the individual client.

Color Therapy

Color Therapy, also known as chromotherapy benefits include: reduced swelling and decreases inflammation muscle tension, pain relief, accelerated healing, increased range of motion, decreased muscle tension, improved circulation, regulated mood, improved sleeping patterns.

Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy

(VAT) is a treatment that uses sound and vibrations to reduce stress and anxiety, help with insomnia, provide natural pain relief, and mitigate the conventional cancer treatment, restore balance and enhance the quality of life

Light Therapy

Light Therapy can be effective in treating: insomnia, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), dementia, and studies have shown that it can improve the motor functions in patients with Parkinsons’ Disease.

Crystal Therapy

Crystal healing is an alternative medicine technique that employs crystals as conduits for natural healing energy.

UVB Narrow Band Light

The client will be subjected to approximately 2 minutes and 20 seconds of UVB light in 20-second intervals during a 30-minute session. The UVB light is the same frequency of the sun and will allow the nucleus of the cells to open up to enhance the charging aspect of the (MWO) and will also allow the client to absorb the vital nutrient vitamin (k).

Aroma Therapy

We use only the purest essential oils in providing you with a calm and balanced feeling.

Tensor Rings

A Tensor Ring is an infinite source of energy, which is neither electrical nor magnetic.  The energy that is produced by the Tensor Ring is healing for all life forms on Earth.

It is a superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields.  It brings tranquility and stability to chaos and very easily stabilizes the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body.

Tensor Ring technology is based on the cubit measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Rife Machine / Frequency Generator

Royal Raymond Rife produced the first frequency generator and discovered that when a cell is exposed to a certain (matching) frequency, a resonate frequency occurs.  This is especially important in that, the frequencies that are introduced into the body or even that auric field, can recharge the cells and more importantly destroy weakened or diseased cells within the human body.  We have over three trillion cells in our bodies and each cell can be energized to improve the immune system and to destroy the diseased cells and parasites that are within us.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy deconstructs music into pure sound, harnessing the knowledge that sound can have a powerful effect 0n our emotions. The human body is made up of different energy frequencies. We use sound frequencies to interact with these, thus attempting to rebalance the body’s energy. Some of the benefits include. Lower stress, decreased mood swings, lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, helps with pain management, lowers risk for coronary artery disease and stroke, and improves sleep.

Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry helps with the feeling and vibration of peace, love, compassion, stillness, and balance – most commonly known as “connection”.  Sacred geometry has the ability to tap into this awareness to shift how we feel.  It allows us to be grounded and in a deeper connection to our own love and our own place in the universe.

Tensor Rings

A Tensor Ring is an infinite source of energy, which is neither electrical nor magnetic.  The energy that is produced by the Tensor Ring is healing for all life forms on Earth.

It is a superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields.  It brings tranquility and stability to chaos and very easily stabilizes the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body.

Tensor Ring technology is based on the cubit measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Orgone Energy

How Does Orgone Energy Work

Orgone is a natural energy source that can help you balance your body and spirit. Orgone can be created naturally by sunbathing or artificially through orgone accumulators or orgone pyramids to balance disruptive energy from electronics or other electromagnetic fields.

Orgone Energy counteracts negativity and reducing electromagnetic fields, positive, orgone energy may help with motivation, focus, energy flow, sleep, and overall well-being (EMF).

Orgone can be found anywhere. It has healing properties for various illnesses, including cancer, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, etc.

Who Discovered Orgone Energy?

A psychologist named Wilhelm Reich, considered one of the most famous psychoanalysts, discovered orgone energy in the late 1930s. He was fascinated by Freud’s theories on neurosis when he first started his job.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich used individual and group activities to free this repressed energy. According to Wilhelm Reich’s research, libidinal energy is not exclusively focused on sexuality. He referred to it as life’s “primordial energy” because of its origins.

Advantages of Orgone Energy
Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone energy theory has gotten a lot of attention recently. Epoxy, quartz crystal, and metal shavings are the three main components of orgone energy devices known as Orgonites. DOR (Deadly Orgone Energy) could be converted to POR using this special combination (Positive Orgone Energy).

Combatting EMF radiation
To begin with, it can counteract the harmful effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation. We know that electromagnetic fields (EMF) from satellites, electrical grids, and other sources can harm our health.

You may shield your family from radiation’s harmful effects by using orgone energy. The orgone Energy has numerous spiritual and physical advantages.

May promote better sleep
In the first place, electromagnetic field radiation (EMF) radiation can be countered by this product.

Satellites, electrical grids, and other sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF) have been shown to affect human health negatively.

Using orgone energy, you can protect your family from radiation. There are various spiritual and physical benefits of using the orgone energy.

May enhance the mood
Many people who have used orgone devices say they have improved their mood after using them.

Due to orgone energy, our bodies are constantly receiving beneficial energy. A person’s mood is lifted, and their outlook on life is brightened due to this.

Keeps food fresh for longer
A large number of people have weighed in on this. Regularly, it is seen that food left on an orgone charging plate is consumed over a longer time than predicted.

As a result, orgone energy aids in the growth and preservation of food naturally.

Better relationship
Improved connections are another benefit associated with orgonite. When orgonite is used in households and businesses, it has been shown that the relationships between family members and coworkers have significantly improved.

The Frequency Healing Chamber is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions that you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it due to the use of the Frequency Healing Chamber.


What They Say

… has been one of the most blessed experiences I have had.

I have been receiving healing sessions from Thomas for some time now and recently in the past couple months I have been receiving energy frequency healing through his frequency chamber he had built. And has been one of the most blessed experiences I have had. Thomas energetically connect with your physical body and connects to the issues that may be going on within you. He also can connect with energy around you and flowing through you and help convey that information to you in a way that helps you understand who you are and what you may be going through! It has both helped me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I have suffered from nerve issues and digestive issues. This healing frequency chamber has helped bring some balance back into my physical body that I had struggled with before using it. It helps ease my anxiety and I get more restful night’s sleep. It just brings an overwhelming sense of calm and peace within me which I very much enjoy!

I have recently gotten the pleasure of assisting Thomas in doing some proxy healing with the chamber. Through meditation and intention of connecting with somebody who was not in the chamber I lay in that person’s place with the intention of being that person and projecting that energy. and it has definitely been an interesting and satisfying experience helping others through that way! It is as if they were there! I recommend anyone to try this who is having physical ailments, emotional issues and can’t get to the root of it, or just needing a sense of Peace within themselves. This is something I definitely recommend!

~ Audra B

Don’t miss an opportunity to experience amazing energy work!

Don’t miss an opportunity to experience amazing energy work! Tom is gifted in many energy modalities and his ability to discern your energetic needs is spot on! I make it a point anytime I travel to ND to schedule an appointment. He is just incredibly tuned and tapped into Source. He is so very compassionate and professional. Thank you for all you do and sharing your gifts with the world!
~ Tammy W

… so fortunate to have found Tom Lewan

I have been so fortunate to have found Tom Lewan while visiting ND to see my daughter. As a Reiki Master, I like to get sessions to rejuvenate myself. This is the second time I have had sessions with Tom. This visit was a hands on and also a session the Frequency Healing Chamber (so amazing and words can’t describe).
Tom is so gifted and you sense his compassion immediately! His unique talents allow to experience the energy, get a sense of peace and feel so recharged after a session. Whether your are new to the energy experience or well versed, don’t miss an opportunity to work with Tom. He is just a beautiful soul who has the passion and desire to share his unique skill sets!!
~ Tammy W

.. bringing much needed light to the world.

My friend Audra told me she had been going to get healing sessions in a frequency chamber which her friend Thomas, who was a healer had built. I thought it sounded interesting so I asked her if she would be my proxy (as I live far away in Scotland) She agreed to do this, becoming me, so that I could receive this healing and Thomas was also happy to try it. Thomas, Audra and I connected by video and I put some healing music on that Thomas had designed especially for me. I have had 2 sessions now and they were both amazing. Thomas sits outside the frequency chamber, tunes in and sends reiki,

The first time I received the long distance frequency chamber healing, there was a lot of clearing and releasing going on and I could feel the power of it amplified by the chamber. Afterwards, Thomas told me all the information he got about my body, and what I could do to assist myself to feel better. I was amazed at his accuracy and precision.

The second time was also amazing, my body started to vibrate and shake and I began seeing other lives which needed healing. Audra was seeing all this at the same time as me (we discovered after) I felt so light afterwards, like many heavy layers have been removed. I felt my heart expand and Thomas confirmed this for me after. It has helped me to realize that I need to forgive myself and love myself more. It also feels like it is helping my body. Thank you so much Thomas for all that you do, bringing much needed light to the world.

~ Rachel Q

… such an amazing experience

Meeting with Thomas was such an amazing experience. I felt so much lighter, energized, and pure joy after my session. Thank you for all you do!
~ Stephanie F.

… Anytime I feel unbalanced or have low energy, I go see him.

Thomas is absolutely amazing! Anytime I feel unbalanced or have low energy, I go see him. He’s very connected to Spirit and is such a great healer. He offers many different modalities of healing and they are all wonderful. I highly recommend him! 💜💙❤️💚
~ Erica K.

… I was completely in awe!

Tom is remarkable at what he does! When I experienced his healing chamber room for the first time……I was completely in awe! I felt all my chakras being cleared of clutter! He said that when my spirit lifted that I was one with the Universe! It was my very first time and I was completely awe~struck! When he was finished with the session he explained everything to me! On my way back to South Dakota I felt like I was still floating and felt so liberated!!! I highly recommend any of his services!!! Tom is definitely one of my favorite healers!!!
~ Cher-Bear L.

… I have come so far with my health and spiritually since my first session.

I have come so far with my health and spiritually since my first session. Its very peaceful and relaxing. I always feel so much better and energized after a session!
~ BayLee F.

… He was very professional and he helped guide me

I had an absolutely fantastic experience working with Tom. He was very professional and he helped guide me through the process so that I was comfortable. I learned some things I didn’t know about myself and I let go of many things that were plaguing me. I had a lot of physical pain before my session and within a few days following, much of my pain subsided. I would recommend Balanced Energy Healing to anyone and everyone looking to reconnect with their spiritual self. Good luck on your journey. 🙂
~ Kacie K.

… Thomas can help!

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, Thomas can help! The sound chamber has changed my life. It helped open my chakras so I can do some self healing. I went in with lots of aches and pains and even mental fog. I felt so fresh and renewed after every session! I’ve even had many out of body experiences! Balanced Energy Healing is a priority in my life and I am forever grateful 🥰❤️😍
~ Erica K.

… skilled, kind and courteous in his work.

Tom is skilled, kind and courteous in his work. He explains his methods and reasoning as he goes along and is trained and knowledgeable in a variety of spiritual practices. I was comfortable and felt I was in good hands. Whatever service you are looking into, know that this is a good place. Good luck on your journey.
~ Kacie D.

… we can’t wait for our next sessions.

My husband suffered a spinal cord injury 8 years ago, he used a walker to get to his first session in Tom’s healing chamber. The next week he was able to walk with 2 canes, by the 4th session he was using 1 cane. He now can walk short distances without a cane at all. I have been utilizing the healing chamber myself and we have both deepened our connection to source, to say it is a “trip” is an understatement. If you are thinking about trying this my advise is: DO IT you will not be sorry. Thanks Tom 🥰 we can’t wait for our next sessions.
~ Jan R.

… Tom is very helpful healer.

Tom is very helpful healer. Would recommend him to everyone .
~ Marvel M.

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